Mary Payne | From a lifetime of abscesses to healthy hooves, calm demeanor, and an abscess free life

John Dowdy:

Hello, and welcome to this week's Equinety podcast. We're going to swing out into North Carolina. We've got Mary Payne on the call this week. Mary, welcome to the Equinety podcast.

Mary Payne:

Oh. Thank you. Great to be here.

Mary's History with Founder & Chronic Abscesses

John Dowdy:

Well, it's a pleasure and as always we're excited to hear another awesome story. So let's get right into this. You've got a 20-year old that has had major problems with founder and abscesses, so let's talk about that. What have you been dealing with and for how long have you been dealing with these issues?

Mary Payne:

Well, basically, pretty much all her life. Our field is just really lush in the spring and summer and she found her pretty early on and it's just being a chore, trying to deal with keeping her feet well and keeping her well. Most people probably would not have tried to deal with it this long. And I don't know, I've just tried everything that is imaginable to try on her. To get her feet better and to get her better.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. So, I mean, using, multiple supplements, creative shoeing, farriers, all this stuff. And nothing seems to work.

Mary Payne:

No. Exactly. And of course the older they get and we get, the less of the body tends to respond to stuff. Because the cells tend to slow down and, and she ends up, quit rejuvenating as much. So unless we are giving them or giving us something to help rejuvenate the body and the cells, then we aren't going to rejuvenate anything. So, to find a product that does help rejuvenate cells, it has just been incredible.

John Dowdy:

I wonder what product that is you might be referring to.

Mary Payne:

Well. Yes. I know.

John Dowdy:

Now, before we get into that though, you were telling me that your brother-in-law used to be a farrier. And so, of course you're trying to get as much advice as you possibly can because this is like most horse owners, or I would say every horse owner, you love your horse and trying to do the best for him. But, what is your brother-in-law kind of hinting towards?

Mary Payne:

Him and his wife were telling me that I probably just need to go ahead and put her down.

John Dowdy:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Mary Payne:

That she's probably never going to get any. It's probably only going to get worse. And I'm just probably wasting my time and money.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. And we do-

Mary Payne:

And that's really hard to hear.

John Dowdy:

It is. No. It absolutely is. And so, you're going along here, so you're possibly having to look at maybe doing the one thing that horse owners don't want to really do. But you don't really have any other solutions up until you find Equinety. So tell us how you found Equinety, and what were your initial thoughts through that process?

Mary Payne:

I was on Facebook and it came up on Facebook. I had been doing some research online and looking, just doing, I guess typing in different stuff on foundering, on hooves, because her hooves had been getting abscesses really bad and they looked horrible. So then I guess maybe from doing that, it maybe triggered the site to come up, and thank goodness it did. And I started watching these little videos that was on the site, on the Equinety site. And this one video of this horse where the guy was having a chiropractor come out to do his horse and acupuncture. And it was just like my horse. My horse had lost all her muscle in her hips and I had not even paid attention to that. But when I felt up my horse's hips, there was no muscle back there at all.

Mary Payne:

And my other horses, their hips were solid. But hers was like you could push on it and it was just like nothing. And so I started feeling at her spine and she would just quiver. So yeah. Basically, probably her whole body's messed up because her feet's messed up.

John Dowdy:


Mary Payne:

So with this Equinety, with it rejuvenating the cells and, and the immune system and all the great stuff that it said it does. And I totally understand the nutrition aspect of it because I studied the nutrition aspect of vitamins and nutrition because I've had a lot of problems with my back and some other issues. So, I totally understand that aspect and I thought, well what have I got to lose? And so I ordered it and I had been totally sold on it.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. And how quickly once you got the product in did you start noticing results?

Mary Payne:

Probably within a week or so. We had started having a real cold weather right away. I got my supplement in October, the last part of October, and I started giving it to her right away. I started only giving her one scoop, because that's what it said to give, one scoop. And I'm real particular on if something says give one scoop or one pill, that's what I do. And so I always tried to make sure if... Like with the other horse that I was watching the little video on, of course they were doing the chiropractic and the acupuncture, but I don't know anybody in this area that does the chiropractic and acupuncture. So, I thought if I can find out something else they're doing, I would do it. But anyway, it was probably probably a couple of weeks I would say.

John Dowdy:

Okay. Yeah. And so-

Mary Payne:

That I started.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. So you're giving one scoop a day-

Mary Payne:


John Dowdy:

And noticing results. And then as you're moving along here, things are going well. Tell us about what happened a few different times when you made it to the barn and you forgot your Equinety.

Mary Payne:

Right. Well, this was when I had started giving two scoops. After I'd started giving the two scoops, I had watched a little video and a lady said, if you're having problems with your horse, you really need to start giving two scoops a day. And I thought, "Oh. Okay. Wow." So I started giving the two scoops a day and I'm starting to see a miraculous results. I was seeing miraculous results anyway. I was tickled to death with the one scoop a day. But then when I started seeing the two scoops a day, it was incredible. But yeah. A couple times I'd forgotten to take the powder and put it in my food for the horse. And so, the next day, instead of coming back to the house and getting it and putting it in the food and giving it to the horse, I'd say, "Ah. I'll do it tomorrow."

Mary Payne:

Well, the next day my horse couldn't walk is good. So she wasn't like coming as quickly to me as she normally would. And it was just really, it showed me how much the Equinety was working. But it was heartbreaking because I didn't come back to get it. So I thought I will never do again. If I forget it, and I thought maybe I should just get it and put it in the car. But then I thought, no. That might not be good because then it would be in the heat and the cold. So I might not want to do that.

How Equinety Works and What It Is

John Dowdy:

Yeah. No. I think this would be a good point. So, actually the cold doesn't really have any effect on the amino. So you could keep it while it's cold. The heat is really kind of what breaks down the integrity of amino acids, which is also why pelleted feed breaks down the integrity of amino acids. Because it requires heat to make the pellets. So, just keep that in mind. Yeah. So here's what's really interesting. If this is the first time you're tuning in and just hearing about the Equinety product and wondering, "Hey. What exactly is this stuff?" So, first and foremost, it's 100% pure amino acids. There's no filler, sugar, starches. There's no loading dose. A serving size is 5.2 grams, which is not quite a tablespoon. But what's really interesting and unique about this product are the amino acids that make up the stack are specifically formulated to stimulate the pituitary gland, which is the master gland in the body.

John Dowdy:

And that's what releases the necessary hormones which help heal at a cellular level. So one of the examples I give all the time is you could have 12 horses. I mean shoot, you could have a hundred horses that all have different things going on. You give them one scoop of Equinety, And because we're giving the body what it needs to release its own hormones, it's that horses body that sending its own hormones to the problem areas. So in essence, it's customizing to each horse. So in this particular situation we're dealing with chronic founder, chronic abscesses, loss of weight and muscle, which you haven't really touched upon yet, which we can get into. It went right to work, and you started noticing differences within a couple of weeks. Now talking about one scoop versus two scoops. And, or what you were talking about, one scoop every day and then you didn't give a day and the horse kind of regressed a bit.

John Dowdy:

So, here's what's going on with that and why this is happening. When we give a scoop of the Equinety say in the AM, and then when we give it again in the next AM, so it's been 24 hours. Well the hormones that are released from the pituitary, and we're specifically after growth hormone, which triggers IGF-1 out of the liver, those hormones have a 23 and a half hour life cycle. So that's why you get the product every day. But if you're giving it in the AM, and then you don't give it again until the next AM, the hormone levels have ran out. Essentially because they had a 23 and a half hour life cycle. And so the hormone levels are what they would normally be for that horse at that particular age. So, that's the science behind why you give it every single day. So, as you had learned about giving two scoops a day.

John Dowdy:

So we always recommend two scoops for horses that are injured or looking for recovery or even for the performance horse for recovery, stamina, better focus. Because for the performance horse, they're really tearing those muscles down and working hard and they need the recovery of the muscles in the soft tissue and things like that. When you're talking in your case with an injured horse and you're trying to help with an injury or coming out of a surgery with the healing process. So if you give a scoop in the morning, then it spikes the hormones and then it's on the decline. But if you give another scoop 12 hours later, it's going to spike it again. So the hormone levels never really have a chance to get back to zero. They're just always kind of in an elevated state, which then helps with recovery, stamina, and all that kind of stuff.

John Dowdy:

So, that's why we have a lot of people that they swear by two scoops over one, but those are the instances where we would recommend giving two scoops. But it's important to give one in the morning and one in the evening and not two at the same time. That's kind of the theory and everything behind that. Getting back into as you're starting to see the changes, the positive changes that are happening with your horse. And of course, as I mentioned, you didn't really get into this, but the loss of muscle and just weight overall, and also being nervous and when they're farriered, you'd have your horse in the cross ties, so the farrier could try to do whatever they could do with the hooves. What was kind of going on with your horse at this point? Just from a nervous aspect and not being able to stand still and things.

A New Sense Of Calmness and Greatly Improved Hooves

Mary Payne:

Yeah. Well, used to I couldn't catch her. I mean she would do everything she could do to stay away from me. And especially if she'd seen the farriers coming, you could forget it. And I mean now she comes to me, all the horses come to me. But you know, she's so calm and her eyes are just so, she's got... There's a luster in her eyes that she's never had. And she's got this... Her coat is different. It's shiny. She just looks different. She's starting to look healthy again. Which she has not done in years.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Because again, we're giving the body what it needs to help heal itself. Now, I will say this product is not a miracle product. It's not a miracle supplement. We're giving the body what it needs to help heal itself, but you still need the proper care, nutrition, farrier, you need all this stuff.

Mary Payne:


John Dowdy:

But, in so many cases, even in the high performance barns that are getting the creme de la creme. And even in your case, it's not a high performance horse, but you're trying to give the best that you can possibly give. But it seems like with all the feedback that we've received through the years, this combination of aminos is just the missing link of what this body needs to help in so many areas.

Mary Payne:


John Dowdy:

Yeah. And we hear this a lot, the horses, they seem happier. They're more calm in their skin, they're more balanced, they look healthier overall. And one of the things that you had mentioned, well one, you couldn't really catch the horse, now they come to you.

Mary Payne:


John Dowdy:

But even when the farrier's trying to do the work on the hooves, nervous, can't stand still, which can also be dangerous for the farrier because they're dealing with things. So what have you noticed now when the farrier's working on the horse?

Mary Payne:

Well, he came out two weeks ago and I wanted to film the farrier while he was working on her. Because I wanted to see the bottom of her feet and see how he trimmed them and worked on them. And so I didn't have anybody else to hold her. And I said, well let me try this and if she... I'll put her rope in the door and close the door and I said, if she starts acting up I'll get it out and I'll hold her. She didn't act up at all. I mean through the whole process. And he even put shoes for the first time on her front feet. Through the whole process she never acted up the first time. Even through the shoes.

John Dowdy:


Mary Payne:

And I filmed the whole thing. It was amazing.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. That is great. Well, one of the other examples I use with this product helping in so many ways. In this particular case, and seems like lately we've been receiving a lot of feedback, and before and after pictures with hooves, and things. You could have the greatest farrier on the planet standing right in front of your horse, but if they don't have anything to work with, it's kind of pointless and frustrating for everyone involved. And so I would say that one of the biggest things with the Equinety product is, not only is it helping with the hooves, and sole depth, and healthier, stronger, faster growing hooves. It's giving the farrier a lot more to work with in a shorter amount of time. And we just see this over and over and over. So, one of the biggest points, important points that we try to get across is this is not the end all be all product. But it just helps enhance everything that you're currently doing. It just helps get there faster. It's probably the best way I can describe it. It's just an over-

Mary Payne:


John Dowdy:

Yeah. Well that is awesome. So, now you've been on product, or she's been on product now for going on what, close to three months now?

Mary Payne:

Yes. Three months. And I've probably got enough product in this first bottle, in this first container to probably get me maybe three or four more doses out of it.

John Dowdy:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Mary Payne:

And then I just got my second container yesterday.

John Dowdy:


Mary Payne:

So, I did not want her to run out.

No More Abscesses and Dramatic Hoof Growth

John Dowdy:

So over the three months now, as you mentioned, when you first got on, the founders always been a battling type thing, chronic abscesses, just sore, irritable. Give us just a quick snapshot of how your horse has now been in the last three months, compared to what she's been most of her life.

Mary Payne:

Well, she can get around better. To begin with, if she was on the other side of the pasture, I would take her food to her because it would hurt for me to actually watch her try to hobble. I mean, it wasn't even a lamp. It was a hobble to get over to me. So I would take her food to her, and take her some water. And now, I mean, we have a donkey, and she almost beats the donkey over. And it's so funny. It's such a blessing to be able to watch her come to me now.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. That's great. So no issues with abscesses or no recurring anything that would typically have happened by now?

Mary Payne:

No. No. She's not had an abscess and her hooves are stronger. We're working on like the white part, the inside of her hoof is, it's growing down before the outside of her hoof grows down. So we're still working on that. But with the Equinety we're hoping that that's all going to start changing. In being said that the hoof is getting a lot stronger and of course it's helped the shoe. It's not come off at all.

John Dowdy:


Mary Payne:

So, it's looking really good.

John Dowdy:

That's fantastic.

Mary Payne:

There's no cracks. Her hooves are just amazing looking from the time that we started the Equinety to now. You know before-

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Now, and also, I just want to reiterate, what's so unique about this product, it's not a hoof supplement, it's not a calming supplement.

Mary Payne:


John Dowdy:

Is not a shiny coat supplement. It's not an abscess supplement. It's 100% pure amino acids.

Mary Payne:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

John Dowdy:

And it's specifically formulated to give the body what it needs to help heal itself from the inside out. So, it's not a bandaid. It's something that really helps the body heal. And this is another story that just shows what it can really do. And that is awesome. Well, Mary Payne, out of North Carolina, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story here on the Equinety podcast.

Mary Payne:

Thank you so much. I just look forward to more results and more results.

John Dowdy:

Absolutely. Well thanks again and we sure do appreciate it. Bye. Bye.

Mary Payne:

All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye.

John Dowdy:

Bye. Bye.

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Topics: Stronger Hooves, Abscess, Nervous, More Muscle

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