Chris Roll - Founder – heaves – Near Death Mini now doing great!
John Dowdy:
Hello and welcome to this week's Equinety podcast. This is a pretty, I'm just going to say, a miraculous one. I always tell people that the Equinety product is not a miracle supplement, but it sure does some miraculous things and I think this story fits right into that category. We're going to swing up into Pennsylvania. Chris Roll, welcome to the Equinety podcast.
Chris Roll:
Thank you, John. It's good to be here.
John Dowdy:
Well, we're happy to have you and I'm excited to talk about this one. I actually came across one of your comments in a post that on one of the ads that we were running on Facebook and you told the story of, you have too many ponies in their twenties and one of them was scheduled to be euthanized and then something quite miraculous happened but let's talk about this one in particular, what you were dealing with prior to finding the Equinety product. What was going on with this one?
Foundered Mini Horse With No Hope
Chris Roll:
Okay. This was a mid-twenties miniature horse. She got down where she was stiff-jointed and all she wanted to do was lay down all the time and I thought maybe it was joint problems so I put her on a joint supplement and that didn't help. And the farrier came and he said that she was foundered so the owner decided we were going to have her euthanized before winter because she wasn't moving enough to keep her body heat up. I saw ads on Facebook for Equinety and I read the reviews and I said, "let me try this as one last resort for her, if it doesn't work then we'll have her euthanized." Within seven days, this miniature horse back up and it's been probably two months now or three that she's been on Equinety and she is now bucking and running and feisty as ever.
John Dowdy:
Now, that's pretty darn amazing. And again, I got to put the asterisk on this. This is not a miracle supplement. I'm just going to throw that out there. But, let's go back to some of the stuff that you were dealing with. So, you thought it was a shoulder issue, you were working with a couple of different farriers and they were able to say, "hey, no, this horse is foundered," which this horse had been foundered before?
Chris Roll:
Prior to us buying her, yes. She had been foundered before, but she was good up until the point where she had gotten down-
John Dowdy:
Chris Roll:
...with foot pain.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. And then she was so bad that she just couldn't really get up, you were having to feed her while she was kind of-
Chris Roll:
No, I fed her out of a feed pan on the ground because she wouldn't want to get up, I mean, she would just lay there and eat out of this pan.
John Dowdy:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Chris Roll:
And then I'd make her get up so that she can move around because it's not good for their digestion to lay and eat. So I would make her get up, but she would eat, she would get up and eat and then back down right away.
John Dowdy:
Right. Just in a lot, a lot of pain. Yeah.
Chris Roll:
John Dowdy:
Chris Roll:
Like I said, I tried joint supplements and I tried Bute and nothing seemed to help her. And then like I said, I read the Equinety reviews and I thought, "why not?" So I tried it and I'm telling you, like you said, it's not a miracle cure, but it did miracles for her.
John Dowdy:
Right. And what were your, now you're dealing with two different farriers, so, what were, I mean they obviously saw her in her current condition and then how long was it... while they were on Equinety and until they had seen her again, what were their reactions?
Chris Roll:
Probably it was... when they saw her, she was really bad where she wouldn't even stand up. They couldn't even trim her feet while she was standing up. They did her while she was laying down because her feet were so bad. And then after she was on Equinety, I would say probably a month and the farrier came back and he could not believe that she was still there.
John Dowdy:
Wow. Because she was already scheduled to be put down.
Chris Roll:
She was already scheduled, yes. Her grave is dug and it's still there. We didn't close it because we figured, well, you know it's dug and it's back in this area where it's not bothering anything, but she's going to stay around for a while I think.
John Dowdy:
Yeah, yeah. So those farriers must have been pretty shocked then to see her, as you said, when they came back and saw her, like, "what in the world?"
Chris Roll:
Yes, they were. They didn't expect her to still be there.
John Dowdy:
How about that? So how's her demeanor and everything nowadays?
Chris Roll:
Oh, she's great. Like I said, she's feisty. If I leave the gate open, she goes out and runs up the road and I have to run her down. She's just back to being the normal little thing she was before all this happened.
John Dowdy:
Oh, wow. That is an amazing story. I tell ya. Now, you have another little mini, what was going on with her?
Larger Mini With Severe Heaves
Chris Roll:
I have another one. She's a larger, larger pony. She's aged and she was [heavey 00:02:06] really bad to the point where she just coughed and coughed and coughed, and I thought, "oh, I can't deal with this poor horse." She would take 10 steps and then she'd stand there and cough. So I had called the Equinety company and talked to somebody there and they said that Equinety works on the pituitary gland and it helps where the horse needs it. So I thought, "well why not try her on this Equinety too." So I put her on it and her heaves have gone away.
John Dowdy:
Chris Roll:
She now no longer coughs, she rips around, and before when she'd, if she'd run around the barn yard, she'd have to stop and cough. Now she doesn't.
John Dowdy:
Oh, good.
Chris Roll:
It's amazing.
How Equinety Works
John Dowdy:
Yeah. Well, and to expand on that just a little bit, the Equinety product, if you're tuning in for the first time, and maybe you've seen us around running ads and wondering what this stuff really is, it's 100% pure amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, but they're specifically combined and formulated to stimulate the pituitary gland which is the master gland in the body. That's what releases the necessary hormones which then help heal the body at a cellular level. There's no fillers, there's no sugars, no starches, there's no loading dose, and a serving size is 5.2 grams which is not quite a tablespoon. So a very, very small amount, whether it's in a mini, big draft horse, the pituitary is roughly the same size so they all get the same amount.
And I think you explained it the best, the... give this to the body and the body determines where to [inaudible 00:06:48] those hormones for the healing. So in essence, it's customizing to what the horse needs. In your first one, we were talking about a serious, a really, really serious condition and situation with the founder, and in the second one with heaves. Completely different things and one little scoop seemed to help. Now, I know you had mentioned to me earlier that you were using another supplement to try to help with the heaves. What did you find with that particular one? How long were you using that one?
Chris Roll:
I was using a supplement that was supposed to help with heaves, with opening them up [inaudible 00:07:26] and helping them to breathe. She was on that daily dose for probably two months and I did not see any results at all with that. With the Equinety, she was on it for probably seven to 10 days and I saw results right away with that.
John Dowdy:
Wow. Yeah, and I will say this as a disclaimer as well. We have a lot of questions. Does this product help with heaves in particular? I would say more often than not, we've had very positive feedback. We've had people come back to us and say, "no, it didn't help," but I don't know the details. Did they just try it for 15 days? Did they try it for 30? I don't know that information, so at the end of the day, no matter what you're going through or what challenges or issues you're having with your horse, this is a great product to try because it does give the body what it needs to help heal at a cellular level and there's some pretty miraculous stories. And again, I'll reiterate, it's not a miracle supplement, but it sure does some miraculous things as in this story here, so.
Well Chris, I tell ya, I really appreciate you taking the time to share these stories on the Equinety podcast. I know there's going to be people that will benefit and if there's somebody that might be listening in for the first time that might be on the fence, "should I try this or not," what advice would you have to give them?
Chris Roll:
Read the reviews, they can contact me personally, I swear by this stuff, so.
John Dowdy:
Chris Roll:
I highly recommend if you need to try something, try it. Because I went through so many different supplements and this one I found, and it works.
John Dowdy:
Yeah, that's great. We are blessed for sure, so. Well Chris Roll out of Pennsylvania, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story here on the Equinety podcast.
Chris Roll:
Oh, you're quite welcome.
John Dowdy:
Okay, thank you, bye-bye.
Chris Roll:
All right, bye.