Podcasts - Team Equinety

Tina Fear - Laminitis - Thin Soles

Written by John Dowdy | Dec 9, 2020 2:00:00 PM


Tina Fear - Laminitis - Thin Soles

John Dowdy:

Hello and welcome to this week's Equinety Podcast. We're swinging up into New York. We've got Tina [Fear 00:00:07] on the call this week. Tina, welcome to the Equinety Podcast.

Tina Fear:

Thank you. I'm very happy to be here and share my and Freya's story today.

John Dowdy:

Well, and this is a good one. I believe, well, I can't remember now if I saw you initially suppose something on Facebook or if you actually reached out to us, but anyways, here we are. You had sent in this testimonial and it's one of the reasons why I started this podcast over two years ago, because my jaw was on the floor and I'm thinking, "I can't believe ... " even after all these years, I still tell myself, "I can't believe what I'm just reading here." So tell us about your horse, what was going on and the issues that you were dealing with and all of that kind of stuff.

Tina Fear:

Okay. Freya will be seven in February. She's an off-track thoroughbred. Didn't have the heart in it so they didn't really race her, I think she did maybe two races. She chose me and I bought her and I brought her to this one barn. I rode her a few times and we were just going to work with her to get her to ride Western I hadn't been able to get up there in about a month, and they called me and they said, "Freya's limping pretty good." I'm like, "What? And she's like, "Yeah, I don't know really what's wrong." So I went up and Freya was hardly moving, neck down to the ground. Just couldn't move basically, just really bad. So I moved her immediately and I brought a vet in and he's a specialist up here and he took X-rays and he's like, "The coffin bone is gone practically and she has no front toes. Look at that, her toes are gone." He said, "If she was a older horse, I would recommend putting her down." I'm in tears at this point and he's like, "Well, we can try." And he prescribed $400, $500 worth of stuff to give her every month. He goes, "But I don't see it improving but we'll see." I said, "Okay." I got thinking, "I can't afford $400 and $500 a month."

            So I got looking on the internet and I came across your product and I'm like, "I'm going to take a sample. I'm going to do the two weeks." So we did the two weeks and I was like, "Going to do two more weeks, see what happens." I'm like, "Oh my gosh, she's moving better. Her head's up. She's looking fantastic." I bought the bigger bottle and six weeks total from the time that that I found out she was injured, so that came in six weeks, my horse now is trotting.

John Dowdy:

Holy smokes.

Tina Fear:

Her head is up, she's trotting, I can take her out into the pasture. She runs, she comes back in. Now, mind you, she has no toes and the only thing I'm giving her is your product.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, the Equinety.

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

So at some point in the past, there was some kind of a severe injury. I mean, that's the unknown, but coffin bone's compromised, toes are broke off, super thin soles. So from the vet's perspective, it was almost going to be one of those situations, "Here, try a bunch of these meds and if that doesn't work, we're probably going to have to just put the horse down," because what else are you supposed to do?

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

Holy smokes. Now, so you started giving her the Equinety Horse XL, which by the way, for those of you tuning in for the first time, the Equinety Horse XL is by no means a miracle supplement, but I will say it has done some pretty miraculous things. It's 100% pure amino acids. There's no fillers, no sugars, no starches and there's no loading dose.

            What it's specifically designed to do is give the body what it needs to release its own hormones and then the body is able to send its own repairing hormones to the problem areas. So in this case, we're dealing with compromised hooves in a lot of different ways, in bone and things like that. So as you had noted, you started off just with the sample because there's so much stuff on the market, a lot of stuff out there. So you felt like you were seeing a little bit of improvement within the two weeks. So you bought another sample and then, so now you're 30 days in, and then you had purchased the large tub, which by the way, the large tub is a hundred dollars and it's got a hundred servings in it. So can't beat that, especially-

Tina Fear:

You can't, no.

John Dowdy:

Especially the way it works [crosstalk 00:05:05].

Tina Fear:

Yeah. To me, it is a miracle product. She's my heart horse and I'm so happy she's not in pain and she's walking, [inaudible 00:05:17].

John Dowdy:

So did you really start noticing a big change within the 30 day mark? Or was it closer to the six week mark? At what point did you really start noticing significant changes?

Tina Fear:

Within the 30 days, I could definitely tell there was something great happening and definitely by the sixth week, when we trotted her around the barn and she was ready to go, she wanted to go, she didn't want to stop. She just continued to walk around even after that in that [inaudible 00:05:52].

John Dowdy:

That's incredible.

Tina Fear:

So yeah, definitely first 30 days there was definitely that great things were happening, but by six weeks it was like, "Oh my gosh, this is amazing."

John Dowdy:

Yeah and I will say that the product begins working within 24 hours. So it's just a matter of how quickly people can begin to see things. I would say through being on the market now, going on seven years, the vast majority of people do see changes in 30 days or less. Although there are cases where it takes longer. Sometimes it's four or five, six months, depending on what it is. But I would say the vast majority is 30 days or less. So, now you're looking at a completely different horse within six weeks.

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

What'd your vet have to say? Have you spoken with your vet since then?

Tina Fear:

I did. I talked to him and he said, "How's she doing?" I told him, I sent him the video of her trotting and he goes, "I have no words, I don't ... have no words. What are you giving her? I thought for sure, you were calling to tell me that, yeah, it was time to put her down. Not that she was trotting around the barn." He's like, "I will be interested in taking X-rays of her again, because I don't know, toes gone, they don't usually run."

John Dowdy:

Yeah. You also mentioned that he's a specialist in this kind of stuff.

Tina Fear:

Yep, yep, legs and hoofs, that's his specialty. Yep.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, wow. So that will be interesting when he comes back and we get those new X-rays, that'll be interesting to see.

Tina Fear:

Absolutely. Yep and that's why I contacted you because I wanted you to know how amazing your product is, with pictures of her X-rays and then to see her the video of her running is just amazing. It's all because of your product.

John Dowdy:

Well, I tell you, we are definitely blessed and one of the great things about the product and why it helps in so many ways is again we're giving the body what it needs to release its own hormones. Therefore, the body can send its own hormones to the problem areas. So it's working at the cellular level, which includes bone, ligaments, tendon, soft tissue, everything. For the most part, as I mentioned, it begins working in 24 hours and we've actually had a lot of feedback with horses that have stress anxiety or a bit spooky. We've seen complete demeanor changes in as little as three days. For the working performance horse, faster recovery, more stamina, better focus, in about a week to two weeks. Then you get into the 30 day mark and it's all kinds of other things.

            I mean, it could be softer, shinier coat, even filling out what top line, they're happier, they've got a happiness in their eye, you know, a better glow to their eye.

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

You've noticed that as well?

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

Yeah, and a lot of it has to do too, I'm sure with, when you're in pain, you just don't feel good all around. Even anybody, you know, if you're in pain.

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

?so if you can get some of that pain alleviated, then all kinds of great things start happening.

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

Yeah, that is great. Well, if there's anybody that's tuning in here that might be a little bit on the fence or they might be saying, "Hey, this sounds a little bit too good to be true." What would you have to say to them to maybe get them to give the product a try?

Tina Fear:

Definitely, definitely try this product. You won't be disappointed. It is amazing. It's done amazing things for my horse and I don't think that there's a product out there right now that could have done this for Freya. So I would recommend this. Like I said, I would shout your product from the highest mountain. I am that amazed with the product and it has done so much for my horse.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, that is so great. It's one of the reasons why we have this podcast out there, there's all kinds of stories with different issues that people are dealing with or have been dealing with, for sometimes years. This ends up more times than not being the missing puzzle piece and again, I tell people it's not a miracle supplement, but you hear stories like this and then you have to scratch your head in wonder.

Tina Fear:

Exactly. Yep, I agree, I-

John Dowdy:

Yep. But if you're tuning in, you're having an issue, you've been dealing with an issue, just like Tina said, highly encourage you to give the product to try. If you can go for 30 days, I always feel more comfortable with people going 30 days versus the two weeks, but more and more people, they report to us they actually notice a difference within a couple of weeks, but I always like to say, "Hey, try it 30 days at a minimum." But yeah, it's pretty awesome. Well, Tina Fear out of New York, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story here on the Equinety Podcast.

Tina Fear:

Well, thank you for having us and thank you for having a product like that out there in the market, thank you.

John Dowdy:

Absolutely and we'll look forward to ... Hopefully we can do a follow-up podcast whenever you get those new X-rays done. That would be pretty awesome.

Tina Fear:


John Dowdy:

Yeah, so these are going to be posted on our website at teamequinety.com and it's also on iTunes and Spotify and several other places as well, but we'll be able to upload the before and after pictures and things at our website. So thanks again, Tina Fear out of New York, appreciate it and you have a great rest of your day.

Tina Fear:

Thank you, you as well.

John Dowdy:

All right, thanks. Bye-bye.

Tina Fear:
