John Dowdy:
Hello, and welcome to this week's Equinety podcast. We're swinging up into Maryland and I've got Sharon Disney on the call this week. Sharon, welcome to the Equinety podcast.
Sharon Disney:
Thank you.
John Dowdy:
It's great to have you. I'll tell you what. I came across one of your comments, actually it was more than a comment, more like a short story of how you rescued a horse and all the things that you went through to even get this horse. It was like, "Holy smokes. This story is so amazing that it needs to be captured."
Sharon Disney:
Yes. It's an amazing, but true story.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. Let's just go back to the beginning here and let's tell this story. For those of you tuning in, this is going to be a story about rescuing horses. You definitely want to stay tuned for this one because I tell you, it's why I have you on because I thought it was so great. Let's start from the beginning and how did all this transpire. What exactly happened?
Sharon Disney:
Okay. It was the beginning of August of 2019. My husband and I had gotten new phones, the so-called smartphones. I was [inaudible 00:01:21] and going through the videos and different things. I happened to pull up a horse slaughtering and I saw the videos of the horses being slaughtered and some of the pictures of horses slaughtered. I would show them to my husband and he got upset, I got upset. He goes, "Oh," he wanted this horse, he wanted that one. I said, "They've been slaughtered." "Oh, no." After a couple of weeks of watching these, we decided we've got to go rescue some of these horses. They're absolutely beautiful. We happened to go to an auction in Delaware. Leaving the auction, we saw a vacant house that was for sale with a big three horse gooseneck trailer beside it that was all rusted out. My husband said, "Good idea. Let's check this out," so we did.
John Dowdy:
Sharon, let me jump in real quick because the excitement ... It's a very sad thing starting off, but then your husband's like, "Oh, no. This is not happening so we're going to go rescue horses," but yet you didn't have a horse trailer.
Sharon Disney:
Right. At the time we didn't. Yeah.
John Dowdy:
That's the part I thought was just kind of funny because you're like, "No. These horses are going to be saved. We're going to go save them. Okay. We need a horse trailer first and foremost."
Sharon Disney:
John Dowdy:
Okay. You're driving past a house, a vacant house that was going to be sold, and see this horse trailer out there.
Sharon Disney:
Yeah. It was right at the exit of the auction actually. Yeah. My husband called the guy and wanted to know what he was going to do with the trailer. He said it wasn't any good, "Why? What do you want for it?" My husband said, "What do you want?" He said, "Give me $100. My husband said, "Fine, I'll take it."
John Dowdy:
What condition was this horse trailer in?
Sharon Disney:
Absolutely terrible. He said it's been sitting 20 years and it was just ... There were no wheels. It was all big round pieces of rust. It's four wheels and all of the wheels, the rim was just rusted apart. When they went to take the ... What do you call it? The [inaudible 00:03:55], the [inaudible 00:03:56] just literally broke off because it was so rusted. The whole trailer itself, my husband said, "I don't think the trailer is that bad. I think it's just all the paint that was rusted," That's what it was. The paint was all rusted. We had to end up thinking about buying wheels and tires for this trailer. We told the guy we would meet him this one day to give him the money, which ended up being the next day.
I got on Facebook Marketplace that night and the night that we had talked to this guy, and having to pull up four wheels from a trailer. People didn't want the wheels. They had ordered new ones and they came in, so wanted $80 for them. My husband got in touch with them. They called, "How soon do you want them?" I said, "We want them yesterday." He goes, "Oh." We did. We hopped in my husband's truck and we went up in Delaware, we got the four wheels, brought them back, put them on the trailer and we brought the trailer home. Even though, every light worked.
John Dowdy:
Oh, my gosh.
Sharon Disney:
Yeah. With the trailer sitting for 20 years, every light inside now worked, but my husband said he wanted to redo everything. He put all brand new led lights. If you see this horse trailer going down the road that's all lit up like a Christmas tree, that's ours.
John Dowdy:
Now, with that trailer sitting for 20 years, it had to be a rusty mess. What happened with the next phase of this story?
Sharon Disney:
Yeah. We bought the trailer. I wrote this down. We bought the trailer September 4th, and on September 23rd my husband and his friend up the road totally finished it inside out. Everything was complete. My husband said, "On Monday, we're going up and we're going to rescue." September 30th, we hopped in the truck, 4:30 in the morning, and we were on the road. By four o'clock we were home. It was funny, when my husband chose the horses I wanted to pick my own horse. He went and he got the horse. When we started bringing them out, all three horses broke loose and they ran. That's why we still say all three of us, my husband's friends, my husband and I, those horses knew I guess maybe our smell or something because all three of them broke loose and ran right to our trailer, which was at the doorway to the place and [inaudible 00:06:55] jumped in. The two guys wouldn't get in the trailer. I did. I had to get in the trailer with horses I knew nothing about to tie them up.
John Dowdy:
Oh, my gosh.
Sharon Disney:
We brought them home, but they were so skinny. I told my husband, "Why would you get anything skinny like that? There were better horses that looked like that." "This is the ones that we really need. We need to help them." We're just so glad that we did because the one my husband chose Midnight, the big black one, he won't go to anybody but my husband. My husband had a heart attack and came home, my husband wasn't even allowed to go out anywhere so I tried to feed Midnight. Midnight wouldn't eat. He kept [inaudible 00:07:44] on me so I had to put my husband on speaker phone to talk to the horse so he could eat. He did. He finally ate.
John Dowdy:
Oh, my gosh.
Sharon Disney:
John Dowdy:
So you get these horses home. They were in a horrible condition, which one can imagine being rescued.
Sharon Disney:
Absolutely. Yeah. Really with his, the vet was saying he was going to have to be put down. They were trying to say he had cushions. He was foundered real bad. We had him on a supplement, which wasn't doing anything. But then, when I saw-
John Dowdy:
Sharon Disney:
... this supplement that you all put on, that's when I ordered it. Of course by then somebody came in and wanted to buy the third horse, so we sold him, but these two now, their feet, the [inaudible 00:08:44] came in about a month ago. He said, "I don't know what you did, but there was no founder now."
John Dowdy:
Wow. Yeah. Of course, you're rehabbing these horses and then you came across our product, the Equinety product through Facebook, and then that's where they really just blossomed from adding our product?
Sharon Disney:
Yeah. Well, I thought I would try it on mine first, and then Ricky said, "Midnight is really bad. He needs it." I said, "I know" I started. We had Ricky's horse on another supplement from a feed place for a bodybuilder, and we put this Equinety, we had him on that. He had a counter reaction because the other stuff was too strong for the two of them. We had to take him off that. I thought, "I'm just putting Brandy on it." I kept Brandy on it. Three weeks later it's like people coming up, "That's not Brandy. What happened to Brandy? Did Brandy die?" You got a new horse?" No. That's my horse. Now, my nextdoor neighbor keeps coming over, "I've never seen a horse run so fast in all my life." I hadn't seen him run yet until the other day when he took off with me.
John Dowdy:
This was just since adding the Equinety product by itself.
Sharon Disney:
Yeah. He'll just get out in the field because we have two different fields. We're waiting for the other field now to grow back up. He just took off running. They run around. Brandy used to be the one that followed everybody. Ricky just walked in. Ricky can vouch. Brandy is now the leader. He leads everybody.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. That's really awesome.
Sharon Disney:
John Dowdy:
You've got a two brand new horses, essentially. What are the ages of these horses?
Sharon Disney:
Brandy is somewhere in his mid-twenties and Midnight is ... They say eight years old. The other one that we had, the one that we sold, that was ... What was he? Three or four? Four.
John Dowdy:
Tell us about that one that you sold. That's pretty interesting. What happened with him?
Sharon Disney:
John Dowdy:
Tell us about the one that you sold. What was his story?
Sharon Disney:
We don't really know a whole lot about him, but he was built real, real nice. He was real good, Buck.
John Dowdy:
Tell us about what happened with him personality wise and then why you sold him.
Sharon Disney:
We had a young fellow come here that's married and had young children. Actually, my husband's friend who bought Buck really was afraid. He'd never really been around horses since he was a little kid and he was afraid. He really didn't want Buck and we only needed two for us. Excuse me. We decided, "We'll just go ahead. We can sell Buck." So that's what we did to this young fellow. Like I had talked earlier, we were afraid of him around kids, but the two little girls, my goodness, they were around his legs and around his feet. He absolutely loved these little girls. He went to a fantastic home. We're just so glad that he went to a good home.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. That's awesome. One of the reasons I wanted to have you on, the story in and of itself I think is fantastic and the importance of rescuing horses, if you have the ability to do that. We've had other guests on our podcast that that's what they do is they have rescue facilities. One of the things that they've found with using our Equinety product is it helps in so many ways, specifically when you're rescuing a horse a lot of times because there are so many issues going on and malnutrition, so you can't just pour the feed to him because that has negative things that can happen if you've given them too much feed. You try to do one thing and other things go wrong.
It's a juggling feat in and of itself bringing these horses back. One of the things that we have been told over and over with these rescue horses, that when they're feeding them the Equinety, I'm specifically talking about our Equinety Horse XL, which is 100% pure amino acids, and what that's doing is it's specifically formulated to stimulate the pituitary gland, which is the master gland in the body. That's what releases the repairing hormones. Then, the body gets in those repairing hormones to problem areas. What we have been told a lot by using this product is it really helps speed up the repairing process and getting these horses back to being a horse again. You were telling me earlier with your horse that's 20 something years old, it's almost like you have a young horse again because-
Sharon Disney:
I went from an old horse to a young horse overnight.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. And just feeling good. That is great. If there's anybody tuning in that's maybe ever thought about rescuing a horse, or maybe they have never thought about rescuing a horse, and after hearing this story is there anything that maybe you could tell them to maybe encourage them to maybe rescue a horse? Anything that you haven't already talked about? Maybe something that how you feel when you're rescuing horses or anything you'd like to say.
Sharon Disney:
In the beginning, we had never even thought about what was going on with horses, with the slaughtering, until I had pulled it up on my phone. When I saw how they slaughtered them and when my husband and I both saw the beautiful horses that were being slaughtered and some of the stories behind them ... We saw some of them that were three years old were being slaughtered just because the owners didn't want them. That's when my husband said, "No. He didn't use those words." He said, "No." He said, "We're going to go rescue some horses."
It was a matter of we had to find a trailer to go rescue horses. It was just one thing fell right in to place. If people saw how they literally slaughtered horses. Pull it up on your phone or on a computer, slaughtering horses, and you'll see. That's what put us both in tears that made us decide, "We're going to go rescue horses." If we had the room right now, we would go rescue a lot more.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. It's a very honorable thing to be able to do that. It requires room and special care and all that kind of stuff. We're happy to say that our Equinety Horse XL really helps speed that process up. That's so awesome. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story. I found it fascinating. I just thought how you and your husband saw this going on and it's like, "Let's go rescue. Wait a minute. We don't have a trailer."
Sharon Disney:
Yeah. I'd say if anybody goes out and rescues a horse or they see one that's extremely thin like ours were, it was almost like you could see everything moving inside of them. Your supplement is the best thing to ever get for anybody's horse. This works. Actually, I'm so afraid of Brandy because I ran out and I'm so afraid that he is going to start losing again and I might have my old horse back, but I love watching him the way he is now, he's got a beautiful coat, his feet are absolutely wonderful now and strong. Everything is so strong. Like I say, he's not a 20 year old. I get my check tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to order some more because I want to make sure, plus I'm going to put Midnight on it and get him built up.
John Dowdy:
Sharon Disney:
[inaudible 00:18:00] Midnight run off with Ricky.
John Dowdy:
Yeah. That's awesome. There you go. Awesome. That is awesome stuff. Sharon Disney, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story here on the Equinety podcast.
Sharon Disney:
Thank you. I just hope everybody follows you all. It's absolutely wonderful.
John Dowdy:
Absolutely. Okay. Thanks again. Bye, bye.
Sharon Disney:
Bye. Thank you. Bye.
John Dowdy: