Podcasts - Team Equinety

Saralyn Sells - Arabian Horse - Club Foot - Severe Founder - Cushings

Written by John Dowdy | Oct 14, 2020 1:00:00 PM


Saralyn Sells - Arabian Horse - Club Foot - Severe Founder - Cushings

John Dowdy:

Hello, and welcome to this week's Equinety Podcast. We are swinging out into California. We've got Saralyn Sells on the podcast this week. Saralyn, welcome to the Equinety Podcast.

Saralyn Sells:

Oh, thanks for having me, John. I appreciate it.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

And I love to talk about it.

John Dowdy:

Well, it's always a pleasure to have people on and like ... I say this all the time, I'm so excited about this story because this one is awesome. Not unlike all the other ones we had, but this one is the most awesome one this week, which is the only one we have this week but.

Saralyn Sells:

That makes me awesome.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, so it makes you so special.

Saralyn Sells:


John Dowdy:

Well, I'll tell you, this one, it really is. As I was reading through this story and I'm just like, "You've got to be kidding me." For those tuning in, we're talking about a horse that was born with some challenges. It took you to the Arabian Nationals and we've got a coffin bone coming through the sole, severe founder, Cushing's. You're on your last leg. But before we get to that part, let's start at the very beginning and tell us about this wonderful horse.

Saralyn Sells:

This horse took me over some hurdles that I had historically. And I didn't care if she was a million dollars. I was buying her. She was that awesome. She helped me through some things. So she's my unicorn. And the first year I had her ... I got her when she was 14. And she took me to nationals my first year. Yes. When she was born, her tendons had come through the back ... by her hoof when she was out in the field with her mother. So they did surgery and fixed her there. She had a club foot. So she's been compromised on that foot for her whole life. But the first year I had her, she took me to U.S. Nationals, Arabian. And believe me, it was the horse. It wasn't me. I can't ride worth squat. Thankfully she was as good as she is.

Saralyn Sells:

But she took me to the ultimate level in the Arabian world. Besides being my buddy ... I mean, I'll do anything for this horse. And she, like I said, she was compromised. She took me to nationals. Now she was given to my granddaughter too, who now shows ... in the Arab world. And she's seven years old. And this horse means everything to her.

Saralyn Sells:

A year ago, we were out riding and, of course, noticed her being compromised on her foot. And so when the shoer came and took it off, he just like, "Freeze!" Because her coffin bone came through the bottom. And from that ... I was just beside myself with that. So it's been ongoing, actually a year today ... I mean, this week. So with that it's an ongoing process. The vet felt she was going to be no longer. And I said, "Absolutely not. This horse isn't ready." And that's when my call was to you. Not knowing you were the owner.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. So how did that ... I vaguely remember, because it was this crazy of a story or we'll say that severe. But I know it sticks out in your mind very clear. How did that phone call go? Because like you said, here's your horse, very compromised. And you were at the end of your rope and you're willing to do anything. But with so many things out on the market and here we go, which is a challenge for a lot of people, because there is a lot of things out there. So what was your mindset?

Saralyn Sells:

That's it. With reading so much, you get overwhelmed with the amount of supplements and goods that are out there. And talking to everybody is a whirlwind. And then I said, "I'm just not seeing where any of this is going to help her." And you were my last call before I had to make that call to the vet. And with that and talking with you. I'll never forget. And I said, "Sir, there are more supplements out there. I understand who pays your paycheck. So please help me understand how this is going to help my horse."

Saralyn Sells:

And you said, "Ma'am, I put my money where my mouth is. I'm the owner. I will take care of you." You said, "I'm not guaranteeing anything, but this will help." And I just totally ... I trusted you. It showed up in two days. You forwarded to me. And we've been in conversation ever since. And my horse is still outside. That's all I can say. [crosstalk 00:05:27]

John Dowdy:

So one year ... it's been on product, your horse?

Saralyn Sells:


John Dowdy:

Yeah. So with a severe case like that ... I mean we're talking coffin bone is through the sole here.

Saralyn Sells:


John Dowdy:

How long did it take before you started noticing anything?

Saralyn Sells:

Well, it was a good six months and it was every ... I had the vet and the shoer out approximately every six weeks. And they saw she had no hoof wall. And the hoof wall had strengthened so much. And also the seal of underneath ... that she had a hoof sole. She had none before. It was mush. It was like you say, compromised. We had ... it was the bacteria, everything. Which is very hard to ... out in a stall. They pee, they do whatever. And so ... Look, I'm lucky enough to be home in my office, to go out and take care of it ... all of it. And to keep her in as clean a environment as possible.

Saralyn Sells:

And with the Equinety, it gave her that boost over where she was stuck. And with that, the star shined. Let me tell you. It was an unbelievable change. It was first when the shoer said, "Oh my, I have something to work with here." And it was awesome. And the vet, too was standing there. And he goes, "Where's where's your pamphlets? Can I read your pamphlets?"

Saralyn Sells:

So I gave it to him and he said, "This is nothing but good. You have done well for your horse." And he says, "She's not textbook." And the Equinety has given her that little pinch in the culu to get her over that spot. So ... And there's nothing bad in it. That's all I can say. There's so much additives that you're paying for in other supplements. Not that they're not good products, it works for some. It doesn't work for others. This works for me and my horse ... both my horses.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. And I think too, for those tuning in for the first time, we're specifically talking about the Equinety Horse XL up to this point. And what the Equinety Horse XL is, is 100% pure amino acids. There's no fillers, there's no sugars, no starches. And there's no loading dose. So a serving size is about the size of a teaspoon ... a rounded teaspoon. And what makes it so unique is the amino acids are specifically formulated to give the body what it needs to release its own hormones. Specifically, it's targeting the pituitary gland and that's what releases the necessary hormones. Which then the body is able to direct those hormones where they need to go for the problem areas. And in this case, this is a severe, severe, severe case. I mean, I would guesstimate or guess here that you're ... obviously you were looking at putting the horse down because I mean, what are you-

Saralyn Sells:


John Dowdy:

... what are you going to do? And this, as you mentioned-

Saralyn Sells:

I didn't want her in pain.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

I just didn't want [inaudible 00:08:47]. So.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. And as you mentioned ... I mean, this was your last resort. And with that phone call ... we've been on the market now, about six years with this product. And we've just seen so many cases. I mean, thousands of cases where ... specifically dealing with the hoof, it's going to help thicken the sole. It's going to help an all around healthier, stronger, faster going hoof, which ultimately gives your farrier more to work with in a shorter amount of time.

John Dowdy:

And I tell people all the time, this product isn't a miracle product, but it sure has done some miraculous things. But it's so important to be working with a great farrier and a vet and have your team. And of course, a good owner to be aware of what's going on with their horse. So one of the great things about this product, as well as ... it starts working in 24 hours. And the vast majority of people do see changes in 30 days or less. And that could be softer, shinier coats, better hoof growth, soft tissue repair. They're happier, a little bit better demeanor.

John Dowdy:

You get into these severe cases and it's a bit of a crap shoot going in, because ... Well, sometimes mother nature is already too far down the path. And so fortunately you had a great team around you. And with this product really helping give that hoof some good growth, to give your farrier more work with ... Pretty amazing.

Saralyn Sells:

Yeah. And I should say, it was probably sooner than six months. But on my other horse who isn't ... who I use for showing. She ... I mean, it was an immediate, immediate recognizing that it was doing something for her, both their coats. I mean, the deeper color, the shine, [inaudible 00:10:37]. My farrier goes, "Oh my gosh, I don't know. It's so ... " She had such strong hoofs. He goes, "Holy cow. I'm really working at that." Because he really had to clip it. And he goes, "Geez, Louis." And so now he'll text me and say, "What's that stuff you use? What's that stuff?" Because he'll be at another client's. And he'll say, "Now what's that stuff called that you use.?"

Saralyn Sells:

And so I had to hand him some pamphlets that I had. And I'm like, "Oh my gosh." He goes, "It's unbelievable. The change." And in my other horse, who is healthy, it was almost immediate. So I knew I had a long road with China and the compromised horse. I knew I had a long road, but I was sticking to it, because I did see the change. But of course, because she was at the bottom. So for her to get over. I knew it was going to take a little bit.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

But it did. It gave her that, like I said, that pinch to get her in the positive side. That everybody's looking at me. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You know? And I am now ... The amount of clients that I have is just ... they see it with China. I just show them my horse.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:


John Dowdy:

Yep. Well, and I think too ... You mentioned your granddaughters now using China for showing. And so it's been a year from the time that this coffin bone is through the sole. And now a year later, your daughter is using it.

Saralyn Sells:

My granddaughter is seven. Yes. She's riding the other one and China ... She is ... that's her girl, but China's at the retirement stage at 27.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

Right. So. But she is on a positive. You can see that she is not in pain. I want her, like I said, if it was her time to go, I want her to go because she's old. I don't want her to go because of an issue ... that I have to put her down. And that's where Equinety came in. It has given her a life that's comfortable.

John Dowdy:

Sure. Now, you also mentioned that China has Cushing's. How has the Equinety helped in that area?

Saralyn Sells:

It stabilized everything. It has stabilized everything. Is she on a Cushing's medicine? Yes. But like I said, all of it works together. It all has its own purpose. And every one of those items work together in unison. So like I said, it's great. And I have people that come and say, "Well, this is ... " I said, "You better get ... Look, talk to your vet." And, lucky everybody around me ... it's pretty much this one vet. And so he was like, "Do it. Take it, use it." And it's nothing but good stuff. So. Yeah.

John Dowdy:

And that's a nice thing too, with it being a 100% pure amino acids, there are no negative side effects with any ... combining it with any other medications or other supplements. As a matter of fact, we always tell people to ... don't change a thing that you're giving your horses just add this to it. And then over the next couple of weeks to 30 days, you should notice a significant of enough change to where then you can decide to reduce and/or stop giving other things, which only the owner would know.

Saralyn Sells:

Yes. Yes, exactly. My granddaughter has a horse trainer because, Grammy ... it's hard for Grammy to tell her what to do because she won't listen. So it's easier for a stranger to tell her to keep her feet down, keep her heels in, that kind of stuff. So her horse trainer has now put all of her horses on it. All of them.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

I mean, she believes in ... that much. So it's just ... once you've seen one ... and what it does. You can sit here and say all you want. Yeah just ... you got to see how it works. You really do. It's nothing but good stuff.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Now this year, we came out with a secondary product called Equinety Ultimate OEC, which is a flaxseed based Omega-3 oil. It's got a thousand IUs of natural vitamin E and Colloidal Silver, all in one. So it's serving two purposes. One, the amino acids in Equinety Horse XL are helping to repair the cells. And so this OEC product is giving those repaired cells some nutrition, which helps them operate at optimal levels. And the second thing that OEC is doing ... It's a very, very powerful antioxidant, which helps reduce inflammation. So you recently just added this to your horse's diet. And what kinds of things are you seeing since you added the OEC?

Saralyn Sells:

Oh, yeah. And added to it. Let me tell you. Oh, my goodness. I mean, you had optimal level with the XL. Add that OEC? Oh, my goodness. It just gives it another pudge. The shine, the deepness, the hoof. Like you say, the inflammation, everything. I have ... it's just ... it does ... Just puts it at a whole new level that you didn't even think was there. So together everything is optimal, optimal, optimal. Especially working them together.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. That's great. Now for those of ... that might be tuning in for the first time. And they've listened to this story and they're like, "Oh, okay. That was a little far-fetched." We don't need another elixir, magic dust, whatever you want to call it, out there. But the proof is always in the pudding. Other than everything that you've talked about, what would you have to say to them that still might be on the fence?

Saralyn Sells:

I was the same way when I started it. And you can read all you want, you can look everything up, you can talk to whoever, but I have to say, I didn't have the same feeling as when talking to you and what you felt your product could do for my horse. And what you said it has done. It definitely has done. And what you said to me, "I can't guarantee anything, because every horse is different. I can't guarantee it, but let me try to help you." And that was more for me than anything that anybody says, "Oh, my stuff can do it. I can do it." No, your proof is in the pudding. Definitely. And I have to say, my horse is standing outside and that's the proof I needed.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

And it makes me cry.

John Dowdy:

I would pass you a tissue, but Florida to California would take a while.

Saralyn Sells:

One of these [inaudible 00:17:44].

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Exactly. And I think too, from an owner standpoint, when you're looking at your horse in potentially the darkest days. When you're looking at having to make that kind of a decision. And again, in this case, it has all worked out. And now to look out and see your horse, that's got to make you feel as proud as you.

Saralyn Sells:

Yeah. And you should be proud, because it did what you said it would do.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

You have to believe. You have to believe in what you're doing ... is going to help your horse. And you take it to the level where you know if it doesn't, you know what to do. But this did exactly what you said it would do. And I believe in my ... like I said, my horse is standing out there beautiful as ever. Both of them, but this one was my unicorn. And like I said, I want her to go in the comfort. And she's definitely comfortable. So it's done what it has said it could do. So.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, that's all ... Well, we're definitely blessed as a company to have a product that works. And now products that work as well as they do. And our goal with these two products is to provide a solid supplemental foundation for any horse at any stage of life, no matter what they're doing for a job. And we just have thousands of testimonials. And I believe this podcast is about the 83rd podcast, 83rd story that we've had, that's gone up. Which do come out on Wednesdays. So, yeah. It's amazing to hear these stories. They never get old. It's just ... it feels good knowing that the horses are feeling good. The owners are happy, because when the horse is happy, the owner's happy. So it all works all the way around. So.

Saralyn Sells:

Well, if I can say ... because, like ... when our initial talk and stuff. And as you can see, I have no problem talking. And being Italian and stuff. You have to get past me and tell me, "Shut up," kind of deal. But I believe in the product so much. You took me on as a team member.

John Dowdy:


Saralyn Sells:

And with that ... and I said to you, I have to see it work before I'll do anything. And I have grown and everyone ... on my clients ... I'm totally sold out. I'm sold out every ... pretty much every week, I'd say. And it helped so many horses that I know of, that are going to give their testimonies to you. That I just handed over everybody. So they should all be contacting you. Because-

John Dowdy:

Well, and you know ... and too. I think that's so important as well, because all these stories ... for anybody else that's going through similar situations. And they're able to listen to the podcast or read the story, the testimonial. My intention is it gives them hope that whatever they're dealing with ... it could give them hope. And so far it's really been working out very well. So, it's-

Saralyn Sells:

... and you have. And you have. And like I said, I choke up, because I can look out and that girl's looking at me. And that makes me very happy. She's 27 and I know at some point there's the time we're all going to go. I mean, that's inevitable.

John Dowdy:

... Right. Yeah. That's true. That is true. Yeah.

Saralyn Sells:

So. Yeah. I just want her to go comfortable. That's all.

John Dowdy:

Absolutely. So, all right. Well, Saralyn Sells out of California. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story here on the Equinety Podcast.

Saralyn Sells:

Thanks, John. I really appreciate you. And I appreciate the product. Thank you so much.

John Dowdy:

You bet. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Saralyn Sells:
