Podcasts - Team Equinety

Colleen Fell - Better Recovery - .More Focused - Shinier Coat - Topline - Hips

Written by John Dowdy | Sep 28, 2022 1:00:00 PM


The Equinety 30 day challenge!

Colleen Fell - Better Recovery - .More Focused - Shinier Coat - Topline - Hips

John Dowdy:

Hello and welcome to this week's Equinety podcast, number 137. We're swinging out into Holly, Texas. We've got Colleen Fell on the call this week. Colleen, welcome to the team Equinety podcast.

Colleen Fell:

Hi, thank you for having me. I'm super stoked to be here.

John Dowdy:

Well, we are very excited as well. We are running a campaign called a 30 day challenge. We started it back in July. And so that's why you're on the call here. We're going to talk about that and how that 30 day challenge treated you and your horse and everything, but give us a little background on your horse and everything that you're doing these days.

Colleen Fell:

Yeah, she is a seven year old [inaudible 00:00:44] mare. I got her as a weanling out of Missouri. My girlfriend hooked me up with her. Shout out to Lisa Matthews for that one. I love this horse. And then I sold her as a two year old, because I went on the road as a travel nurse and didn't feel like she could just sit and wait for me. Sold her to one of my good friends, and then that friend sold to another friend, and as a four year old, that friend called me and said, "Hey, you want to buy baby girl back?" And I said, "Absolutely."

John Dowdy:

Yeah. How could you pass that up?

Colleen Fell:

I couldn't pass it up. She is an amazing mare. And I bought her back, and my boyfriend put the finish on her for barrel racing. She's been heeled on, she's just amazing, for a seven year old. She is the youngest horse I have ever owned, because I've always bought older horses, because I'm old and I'm afraid to get bucked off. It's like I jump on a 20 year old dead broke horse. Now, I'm not saying she doesn't have her moments, but you just get onto her and she's fine. So, Tony and I, my boyfriend, were watching the Cowboy Channel, because of course we did the 100 day rodeo.

John Dowdy:


Colleen Fell:

We're dedicated, that's for sure. And your product came on and I said, "Hey Tony, that looks pretty cool. I should try that." And he's like, "Well, get onto it." You know how brokers are, [inaudible 00:02:16].

John Dowdy:

Oh, yeah.

Colleen Fell:

So I ordered it, and it came, and I started giving it to baby girl, and baby girl's just her nickname as, she's a Sun Frost, [inaudible 00:02:28] horse. But she's my baby. So she's a baby girl.

John Dowdy:

There you go.

Colleen Fell:

And so I started feeding her that-

John Dowdy:

Now, before you jump into that, for those that are tuning in, maybe you didn't catch the 30 day challenge. We did a thing called the Equinety 30 day challenge and we put this out on the Cowboy Channel and we would send you 30 days of product, and in return we wanted you to take pictures on day one, day, 15 and day 30, as well as document the changes that you saw in your horse during those 30 days. So, that's what the Equinety 30 day challenge was. So you received your product and then ...

Colleen Fell:

I received the product, that's correct. And let me tell you, trying to get the horse in the same position at the same time with the legs the same, is challenging, but I did it.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. You did a good job.

Colleen Fell:

So we started the 30 day, took the picture and started noticing, taking her to the barrel races and whatnot. And I found after about two weeks, because we all know, any kind supplement you take, it takes time to get in the system and get built up and whatnot. And about a week to two weeks, because that's about between my barrel races, I don't go every weekend. I found she was more focused and she had more energy. She wanted to turn those barrels and I was like, "Whoa, mama ain't ready for all this."

John Dowdy:


Colleen Fell:

And I would notice how her top line looked so amazing in her hips. This little girl's got a booty on her, and she's just built perfectly. She's short back, which I like. And she used to be not tall, but all of a sudden she's gotten this growth spurt and she just bloomed up on me and bloomed out. Like, "Holy Hannah, I got a big girl horse now." But I think the one thing that I found that is amazing with your product is the mental focus and the recovery. She was like, "I'm cool, Mom. Let's do this again." And that's what I really liked about it is that she wasn't all over the place, looking at things. She was focused on what I wanted her to do, and that was pretty cool.

John Dowdy:

And you noticed that within the first couple weeks?

Colleen Fell:

Within the first couple weeks, yeah. And she still is focused and wants to go, and I want to slow her down and she gets mad. She'll start shaking her head when I pull her up and I'm like, "We're going too fast." And I suppose, I'm a 4D rider and I'm good with that. I'm happy where I'm at.

John Dowdy:


Colleen Fell:

She wants to push me into the 2D and I'm like, "Whoa, well, I need to become a better rider to do that."

John Dowdy:

Now, what kind of things did you notice as you started getting more towards the 30 days?

Colleen Fell:

I noticed, like I said, the focus, her muscle tone and her recovery. When I would work her, her recovery time was shorter. She wasn't tired. When I would come home, she'd be tired and be like, "Okay, I'm going to lay down. I'm going to roll." But she would be like, "Okay, this is cool." And whinnying at the other horses and kicking her feet and just being a happy. She's happy. You can tell she's a happy horse.

John Dowdy:


Colleen Fell:

That's the best I can describe. She's happy.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Now, before you started the challenge, was there anything specific going on with the horse, or was she perfectly fine and-

Colleen Fell:

Well, no. The one thing my vet and I, we had her on ulcer medicine, which I still have her on because I'm not going to change something that's working. But I found that the Equinety really helps with her also. She's not as tetchy. Does that make sense?

John Dowdy:

Oh, yeah.

Colleen Fell:

But, let's see ... We've been in the house a year. So about a year and a half ago-ish, it was spring of 2021, right? We're in '22. She and the red mare were together, because we hadn't found our home yet in Holly, because we had just moved from New Mexico here in 2020, and we were living at friends' house. So we were boarding the horses there, and my red mare and her were together, and the red mare is the dominant one. She would push her off her feed.

Well, I went out one day and she was dragging her feet. Well, the first thing that goes through my mind was, "Oh my gosh. She's got EPM. She's dragging her back end." Well, no she didn't. And my vet's like, "Well we could scope her, but let's try her on this because her hemoglobin is a little low. So she might have some ulcers." So we started her on the ulcer preventative powder that I put on her feed once a day, and she was fine with that. She looked good. She put on weight, she started blooming. But I have to say with your product, the bloom just, it's like your roses are roses, but then all of a sudden you add a little fertilizer and you've got color, and that's the best way I can describe her. She is [inaudible 00:07:58] pretty and dappled out, and for a buckskin, she's got dapple on her, and she's just [inaudible 00:08:05].

John Dowdy:

Yeah. That's pretty amazing. And for those that are tuning in, and maybe you've been seeing the Equinety product around, and if you haven't tried it, it's a very unique product. It's 100% pure amino acids. There's not any filler, sugar, starches and there's no loading dose. And a serving size is one little teaspoon. It's 5.2 grams, just a tiny little scoop. And what makes it unique is it doesn't fit into a specific supplement category. In other words, it's not just for the joints, or the top line, or the recovery, or the hoof, or growth, or muscle or anything like this. What it's actually doing is it's giving the body what it needs to release hormones from the pituitary gland, and when these hormones are released, we're allowing the body to send its own hormones to its own problem areas. And so it's customizing to what the horse needs and it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it.

And so through the years, we've had people that have horses that have stress, anxiety, are a bit spooky. We've seen complete demeanor changes in as little as two or three days. And I'm often asked why do I think that is, and I don't have a ... Well, I'll put my opinion on there. So, we don't really know why the horse has stress, anxiety, or is a bit spooky, but maybe there's some aches or pains or something going on internally, and that's why they have the stress and anxiety. Well, if the body can help repair those things and they don't have the little aches and pains, maybe that's why they have a demeanor change in as little as two or three days. And just as you said, within a week to two weeks, you're noticing the recovery, the focus, those are very, very common things. The softer shinier coat, the top line and hips and filling out. And it's really amazing what can happen in 30 days with that tiny little scoop.

Colleen Fell:

Oh yeah.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. You're right on par with ... The other great thing is, there's not any negative side effects whatsoever. And one of the big questions we get often is, should I stop using other things and just use the Equinety product? And our answer to that is we don't want you to change anything and just add this tiny little scoop, and that way you're only changing one element, because you already have a baseline of what's working or not working with other things. And so this makes it very easy to see the changes, as little as two or three days, but definitely by the 30 day mark, the vast majority of people are seeing changes.

And when it comes to the hoof growth and sole depth and all the things around the hoof, that's going to come more towards the six week mark and beyond. But we're blessed to have a product that works in so many ways. And it's one of the reasons why we did this equity 30 day challenge, was to try to get more product in the hands of people because well, there's a lot of stuff on the market. So we thought this would be a good way to get it out there.

Colleen Fell:

Yeah. And I'm so glad you did because I'm really happy I tried it, because the results are amazing. And I would recommend this 100% to anybody that has a horse. And even if you're just trail riding, a five hour trail ride is a long trail ride. Your horse needs those amino acids to help recover with muscle and joint issues.

John Dowdy:

Yes, absolutely. Now, one thing that you mentioned within the first week or two and you said baby girl really wanted to take off and had all this energy, and I don't want people to get confused, because it's not making the horse hot at all.

Colleen Fell:

No, no.

John Dowdy:

They just feel better, and so you sometimes have a little bit more horse than what you're used to, but that's just because they feel good.

Colleen Fell:

And she felt so great that we were at Glenrose, Texas, I had entered a barrel race. I wanted to go outside my comfort zone and I went and I spent the night and I went to this race. We came around first barrel so fast and so hard, it wasn't that she was hot, she just was turning that she went one way and I went the other. And of course when I went to correct, I pulled her back through the timer, but it was fine because I was like, "OMG, this horse is turning. Holy Hannah."

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Yeah. That is great.

Colleen Fell:

And it's not that she's hot because definitely, if you're afraid of a hot horse or whatnot and being pumped up, and this mare walks all four feet into the alleyway and goes when I say go. And there's no pumpy, jumpy turning, spinning, nothing like that. It's calm, it's clean. It's clean energy. That's the best way I can explain. It's clean energy.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. That would be a good description. And it always makes you feel good as a horse owner to know that your horse is feeling good. And we have a lot of pros that use this product. We've got a massive amount of just everyday trail riders and everything in between. That's the other great thing about the product is you can use it from the breeding stage to the foals, yearlings, all the way through performance horses and the senior horses and you'll see benefits all along the way.

Colleen Fell:

Oh, I can just [inaudible 00:13:30] the benefits with senior horses. I mean, I'm a senior rider.

John Dowdy:


Colleen Fell:

[inaudible 00:13:35] myself.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. I hear you. I hear you. Well, awesome. Well, Colleen, if there's anybody that's tuning in that has listened to the podcast and they are thinking to themselves, "Well, that sounds pretty good." But maybe they're still on the fence, what recommendation might you give them, or advice to maybe get them to try the product?

Colleen Fell:

I would say just try it. Trust the process. Trust that this product works. Do the 30 day challenge, if it's still ... Are you still doing the 30 day challenge?

John Dowdy:

Oh, I'm they could probably ... Yes. As a matter of fact, it's still running on there.

Colleen Fell:

I would say, do the 30 day challenge and let the product speak for itself. You will be amazed.

John Dowdy:

Yep. That is great. Well, Colleen Phil, out of Holly, Texas, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story here on the team Equinety podcast.

Colleen Fell:

Thank you for having me.

John Dowdy:

All right. You bet. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Colleen Fell:




Have You Taken The Equinety 30 Day Challenge?