Podcasts - Team Equinety

Monica Kay - After Rescuing A Neglected Horse, Equinety Helped Her Go to State

Written by John Dowdy | Mar 18, 2020 1:00:22 PM


Monica Kay - Softer Shinier coat, stronger hooves,
muscle tone, more focused, faster recovery


John Dowdy:

Hello and welcome to this week's Equinety podcast. We are going to swing up into Ohio and we've got Monica Kay on the podcast this week. Monica, welcome to the Equinety podcast.

Monica Kay:

Hello, thanks for having me.

John Dowdy:

Oh, you bet. It's a pleasure. We're excited to have another guest on this week. I first came across your posting. You actually had listed a review or posted a review on our Facebook page and it simply said, let me find it here, "We've had great results with our mare on Equinety. Such a difference in her coat, hooves and muscle tone, highly recommended." Now that was short and sweet, but the pictures you posted, tell a completely different story. For example, and we're going to have this posted on our website below this podcast so you can see the before and after photos, and not only was the coat dull to shiny, but the hooves, I think were the biggest difference. Although the before pictures were in wintertime, you could see that the hooves were ripply and kind of flared at the bottom and the after pictures looks like in the spring and sunlight, but you can see a significant difference in the hooves. Let's go back and how did you find this horse? What was going on with it when you first found it? Let's just start there. (Pictures will be reuploaded, Apologies for any inconvenience)

The Rescue Mission For A Neglected & Underweight Horse

Monica Kay:

Okay. Well, we found this horse that was for sale. We really didn't have the intentions of buying a horse, didn't really need another horse, but when we seen the condition that the horse was in underweight, its hooves hadn't seen a farrier in a year. It became a rescue mission where we knew that we had to get the horse out of that situation and start taking care of her. We did end up buying the horse and we noticed she had a little bit of speed on her and thought, "Well, maybe she could be my daughter's next speed horse or contester."

John Dowdy:

Right, and she's interested in barrels and poles and things of that nature.

Monica Kay:

Right. Correct, correct.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, so when you got her home, obviously, you had mentioned she was kind of a rescue mission at this point, but so we would assume you probably vet checked and started putting a feed and nutrition to her. What kind of changes were you seeing just by doing that?

Monica Kay:

I mean, she started just the feed. She started putting on some weight, but I mean her coat still kind of looked dull. We got the farrier out right away to trim her feet and they still just, I mean, even being trimmed, they would grow funny. They had these ripples to them, they just did not look healthy.

John Dowdy:

Mm-hmm (affirmative), and then someone mentioned a product called Equinety Horse XL. Tell us about that.

Monica Kay:

Mm-hmm (affirmative), so a lady at one of the barns that I know, she has an older horse that was having some lameness and she started him on Equinety and noticed a difference that he wasn't as stiff, and she mentioned it. Then we had been talking to Danielle Bowser and she mentioned that all their horses are on Equinety so we thought, "You know what, we're going to try it. People rave about it," so we just took the leap of faith and got some Equinety.

John Dowdy:

Awesome, and how long were you using the product before you started noticing changes?

A Couple Weeks On Equinety and A Noticeable Difference

Monica Kay:

Within a few weeks, I would say to notice the changes, especially in her personality and her muscle tone and her coat, health slowly came on too. I mean, I would say within a few months all of it came together and we noticed a huge difference. When we first got her, we would be saddling her and she would rear up and flip over or trying to take her into a chute at a show, she would rear up and just ... I mean, she's a ball of energy in the first place, but it was a safety risk.

John Dowdy:

Sure, sure. Now, you said that you noticed changes in a couple of weeks. I'll take a quick little pause here because those tuning in for the first time, maybe you're wondering what this Equinety product exactly is or you've seen it around but don't know exactly what it is and and how can it do all these different things? Well, the Equinety Horse XL's 100% pure amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, but the specific combination of aminos are formulated to stimulate the pituitary gland, which is the master gland in the body. That's what releases the necessary hormones, which then help heal at a cellular level. This product actually starts working in 24 hours. It's just a matter of what you can start to see. In this case, you actually started seeing changes within a couple of weeks and by within a few months, everything was really blooming and filling out. I would say the vast majority of people do notice changes in 30 days or less. In this case, it was a couple of weeks. Now how long did you have the horse and with the feeding program and all the care and everything prior to using the Equinety product?

Monica Kay:

I would say a few months, maybe four months or so. Well, we got her in March, so we started in the summertime on Equinety.

John Dowdy:

Okay, gotcha. Once you put the nutrition and doing all the care and maintenance that you would typically do, but then when you added the Equinety, everything just went into supercharge mode really is kind of what-

Monica Kay:

Right, right.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, and then going into kind of the safety precautions where she'd rear up or go into the chute and [inaudible 00:06:09], which is a very dangerous thing, so you noticed once you added the Equinety, that her whole attitude, demeanor changed. Tell us about that.

Monica Kay:

Right, right. I mean, she'll walk in the chute or into arena, none of the rearing. I mean, when she gets out there and sees the pattern, she gets ready to run. That's just her, she knows her job, but it's not dangerous. It's the horse getting ready to do what it knows what its job is. With my daughter, that's a big thing of safety. I'd hate to watch her rear up and flip over. I would be afraid that would ever happen with my daughter in the saddle. Now we don't have to worry about that. She prances in and is ready to go. No issues.

John Dowdy:

What kind of times is she running barrels and poles?

Monica Kay:

Well, they actually made it to state this year in 4H for barrels and poles. She, down at state, if she wouldn't have knocked a barrel, she ran a 17-second pattern on barrels and she will hit 20-second pole patterns on a good day.

John Dowdy:

Wow. Yeah, so in the barrels, she's running two, three D depending on the-

Monica Kay:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

The Value Far Outshines the Costs

John Dowdy:

Yeah, that's incredible. I mean, you take a horse, so one year on Equinety and you take a horse that was in a very bad situation, skin and bones, hooves hadn't been touched in a year and now running these kind of times in. That's impressive. Now I'll throw this out there too, because the Equinety product I tell people all the time is not a miracle supplement. It sure does some miraculous things. This is one of the reasons why we have these podcasts because the stories are just crazy, but it's so important that the owner is doing everything that they need to do on their side, which is what you are doing and it's just when you add the Equinety of product, it seems to fill in all those gaps that seem to be missing. Now have you had a ... this is a bit of a leading question because you already told me this so, "Hey, have you heard?" You had mentioned to me earlier that you've had some people say, "Oh, that Equinety, that's pretty expensive," but what do you tell them?

Monica Kay:

I always tell them, I mean, the number of servings that you get out of the container is worth it. Especially when you see the results. I mean for us, the results were amazing and it's well worth it. I would pay double the price honestly, for the results that we got and just to the test the results, I got a similar amino acid product and put our other horse on it and I don't see the results like I do with Equinety and our barrel horse.

John Dowdy:

Yeah. Now let's back that up a little bit because now as far as price goes, it's $99.99 and you get 100 servings, so it's a dollar a day per horse. There's no fillers, no sugars, no starches, there's no loading dose. A serving size is 5.2 grams, which is not quite a tablespoon. It doesn't matter if it's a tiny mini or a draft horse, they all get the same dose because we're targeting the pituitary gland, which is roughly the same size. That'll fill in some gaps there as far as ... I think the people that say, "Oh, well that's too expensive because it's $100," I think a lot of people assume it's only 30 days, but it's actually a little over three months. For the person that told you that, "Oh, well those are just amino acids," it wasn't that kind of a conversation?

Monica Kay:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Right. They said, "You're just paying for amino acids. That's all it is." I tested the theory, like I said, and I got a product, tried it on our other horse and the results aren't anything close to what we've seen with Equinety.

John Dowdy:

Yeah, and I think it's important for people and we try to do our best from the educational standpoint that because Equinety Horse XL is so unique and there's nothing like it on the market, and if you're learning about this for the first time that the biggest difference with this product is the amino acids are specifically combined and formulated to stimulate the pituitary gland. That's what its purpose is. Typically horses, they have joint issues, then you look at joint supplements or possible injections or if they have hoof issues, and you look at hoof supplements and creative shoeing, or if they have attitude issues, you look at calming supplements or muscle building supplements or gut supplements. It's a supplement or medication for each individual problem or issue you're having. The unique thing with this product, because we're giving the body what it needs to simulate the pituitary gland to release its own hormones, and then it's the horse's body that sending those hormones to the problem areas and the body knows exactly where the problem areas are because it's its own body. You could have 12 horses with 12 different things going on and then essentially, it's going to customize to each horse. With your little test that you did, have you put that particular horse on the Equinety product since then?

Monica Kay:

Nope, he's about to go on it.

John Dowdy:

Okay. Well, you'll have to keep us updated.

Monica Kay:

He is about to go on it.

John Dowdy:

Yep. Well, you'll have to keep us updated on that one. Yeah, for sure. Well, that is awesome. Well, Monica, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story. If there's anybody tuning in this podcast for the first time, maybe they're on the fence, should I try it? Should I not try it? Is there anything that you could suggest to them or say to them that might tell them to come on over? The water's warm, so to speak.

Monica Kay:

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, it's definitely worth it. I would not go with any other supplement, honestly. It's our only supplement. That's all I have to say. I mean it just, we haven't had any lameness issues. We haven't had any colic, any founder. I mean, we hear of all these horses around the area having all these issues and there's miss Ellie Mae standing out in the pasture just fat and happy.

John Dowdy:

Now you could just have a good bloodline of a horse there. I'll throw that out there, but I'm sure the Equinety is helping though. Everything you just said, Equinety did not pay you to say that. Just for-

Monica Kay:

Nope. Nope.

John Dowdy:

Awesome. All right, well Monica Kay out of Ohio, Monica Kay out of Ohio, thank you so much for sharing your story here on the Equinety podcast.

Monica Kay:

All right. Thank you for having me. Have a great day.

John Dowdy:

Okay, you too. Bye-bye.

Monica Kay:

Thank you. Bye.